
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Jillian: is this good enough?

Quick lunch post:

Leftover veggie fajita tacos from last night, sans beans and rice.  I try to keep lunch a little light so I can fully gorge enjoy myself in the evenings.  I'm eating the last of the Cara Cara oranges, and of course some water in one of my fancy cups.  My husband recently got me a new one from his work, and it's so much bigger... and includes a straw.  It's also BPA-free, so I'm excited to start using it.



Healthy Living

I've been trying to lose a few pounds that I gained after I got married.  Nothing huge, only 8 or 9 pounds...  but when you're a tiny gal like me (4'10"), that can see like a huge goal to attain.  I've started implementing cardio intervals whenever I can, and some strength training.  So far, I haven't made any huge break-throughs.  I know I should be happy with myself (I am at a normal weight), but I really miss my clothes!  I want to get back into my favorite pencil skirts...  which means I really need to shed a few pounds.

My hubs and I have Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 DVDs.  Sometimes, that's exactly how I feel...  "IS THIS GOOD YET???"  I like how fast-paced the moves are, and the predictability of the circuits.  I really enjoy Level 1 of the 30DS, so it's my go-to workout when I want something in 25 minutes or less.  My husband has been using the Ripped in 30 DVD, and I am definitely too wimpy right now to try it.  I feel like I haven't quite crossed that invisible line in healthy living...  My diet is clean 80% of the time, but for some reason I haven't overcome my fear of high intensity exercise.  I'm so afraid of just failing or making a fool out of myself!  Although, I do such a good job of that on my own... I really don't need Jillian's help.  I guess I should make that a goal for this summer, hmmm? 

I want to be good to my body, and I know a sedentary lifestyle is NOT treating my body with respect.  I am not going to say that I currently live a sedentary lifestyle... I used to, but I've really upped my physical activity the past couple years or so.  I just know that I have more to go to be where I want to be.

Also, I plan on going to the ol' library soon.  Any suggestions for books I should grab for my summer reading?  Any tips on overcoming fear of intense exercise?  Sorry to keep things so serious on a Thursday afternoon...  I'll try to lighten up a bit!

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