
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Friday night, date night!

Normally, every Friday night, my husband I have a romantic evening out...  we grab a bite to eat, and spend the rest of the night grocery shopping.  Not so romantic, huh?

This Friday night I'm planning a surprise date night for us.  I've got a place to eat picked out (well, I've narrowed it down to two places) and a couple fun (and cheap!) activities planned.  He came home last night to say he has something planned for after our night out...  all he would say is that it involves "drinks".  Neither one of us drinks alcohol, so you can scratch that out... but I'm so curious as to what he's got planned!!

Although we don't do it nearly enough, it's always refreshing to spend an evening (or a whole day, or even a weekend!) just dating your significant other.  I'm so excited to be going out with my boyfriend tomorrow night... who just happens to be my husband.  And before he was even my boyfriend, one of my closest friends.

Excited for tomorrow's night out with the love of my life. <3


  1. Aw - how sweet! You guys have a great evening tomorrow!

  2. Love this post! You guys are so cute! :) Hope you have fun!

  3. bad news! husband has major allergies (like, can barely breathe and kept both of us up all night snotting and sniffling) so we may have to adjust our plans... AND the new restaurant I picked out is closed, they just never updated their site! just goes to show you, man plans and God laughs. or something like that. off to figure out Plan B!
