
Friday, August 10, 2012

meal plan: week of 8-12-2012

Friday:  out

Saturday lunch:  leftovers
Saturday dinner:  roasted chicken sausage with veggies

Sunday lunch:  shrimp fest at my parents' house!
Sunday dinner:  frito chili pie wraps

Monday:  Arroz con Pollo, cantaloupe

Tuesday:  crockpot chicken tacos, leftover rice, frijoles rancheros (soupy pinto beans) with toppings, fruit salad made of pineapple, melon, grapes

Wednesday:  chicken pomodoro with broccoli

Thursday:  SkinnyTaste Crockpot Kalua Pig with stir-fried veggies and cabbage (no rice this time because we're having rice a lot earlier in the week)

Friday:  out to a wedding

Saturday lunch:  leftovers, unsure
Saturday dinner:  Tucker's Onion Burgers, after our anniversary picture shoot!

Sunday lunch:  probably at my parents' house, or quesadillas at home
Sunday dinner:  Cooking Light Mexican Hominy Chicken soup

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