
Monday, May 21, 2012

Summer Reading

I announced to the world that I want to read 30 books by the end of this summer (see this post).  Normally, that wouldn't be a problem...  I'm a total bookworm.  I devour books.

But, I've gotta be realistic.  I'm a busy gal.  I work full-time, teach music lessons, try to keep a home running smoothly, and volunteer at church...  In addition to all that, I try to keep up with all my "hobbies":  cooking and baking, hanging out with my main man, exercising, and finding time to chill with friends.

I try to be like this:

But usually end up like this:

So what??  I know that's what (some of) you are thinking...

Well, reading and getting lost in a good story really helps to alleviate stress.  At least, for me.  That's why I'm making it a priority to read this summer... a minimum of 20 more books by the end of summer.

I've got a pretty small summer reading list right now.  Normally I end up at the library and just pick a bunch of books that look good.  Yes, I'm guilty of judging a book by it's cover.  Shame, shame!  But the next few months, I'd like to have a list of at least 20 books to bring home.  I'm sure I'll grab a few extras that look good, but I'd like to have an intentional list to go off of this summer.

Please feel free to comment and give me some suggestions for intentional reading this summer.  I'm trying to get a good mix of fiction and non-fiction.  I know there are readers out there (unless my husband is sitting there refreshing the page 30 or 40 times a day, in which case please do NOT tell me and let me live in blissful ignorance).  Seriously though, leave me a note!  Except, I'm not interested in Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, or Fifty Shades of Grey... either too overdone, or just not my style if you know what I mean.

Summer Reading List 2012
1.  The Kitchen Counter Cooking School: How a Few Simple Lessons Transformed Nine Culinary Novices into Fearless Home Cooks - Kathleen Flinn
2.  The House at Riverton - Kate Morton (LOVE her!)
3.  The Secret Keeper - Kate Morton
4.  The Shifting Fog - Kate Morton
5.  The Diet Cure - Julia Ross
6.  The Mood Cure - Julia Ross
7.  The Lost Years - Mary Higgins Clark (excited about this one!)
8.  Her Mother's Hope - Francine Rivers
9.  Her Daughter's Dream - Francine Rivers
10.  A Voice in the Wind - Francine Rivers
11.  The Man in the Rockefeller Suit - Mark Seal

Edited to add suggestions:
12.  The Wretched of Muirwood
13.  The Blight of Muirwood
14.  The Scourged of Muirwood
15.  A Homemade Life - Molly Wizenberg
16.  Cooking for Mr. Latte - Amanda Hesser
17.  The Paris Wife - Paula McLain
18.  The Skinny Rules - Bob Harper


  1. Not sure if you'll like this if you don't like Lord of the Rings/Harry Potter stuff, but the Wretched of Muirwood trilogy was a pleasant surprise for me. I'm not big into medieval fantasy type stuff but the characters and stories got me hooked - I read all three all in a row. And A Homemade Life or Cooking for Mr. Latte if you like foodie love stories.

    1. I'm willing to try it! thanks for the suggestion. :)
