
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I love to eat crack.

Not THAT kind of crack!

THIS kind of crack:

I realize that this is a truly unflattering photo...  but it's necessary for an accurate portrayal of the crack.  The crack is actually kettle corn popcorn.  But it was SO DELICIOUS.  The perfect amount of sugar, salt, butter... and cinnamon!  It was fantastic.  We only ate about 1/3 of it that day (I ate the majority, sadly)...  but now my hubs and I are down to the last 1/3 and it's a very sad thing.

We couldn't stop eating it!

But we did other stuff, too...  like looked at artsy-fartsy stuff, petted dogs, and watched a really good band!

I hope this video works...  it was a jazz band.  Really great music!

Anyway, we ate lunch at the arts festival (gyros, cajun chicken on a stick, corn dog, smoothie drinks, lots of water!) and walked around for a few hours.  My husband picked up a fancy watch from a booth selling Mistura.  He did manage to get a discount, so I'm happy with that.  It's his "early birthday present".  Happy birthday, baby!  ;)  It's really unique...  not on the website, but I'm sure it'll turn up in some pictures.

Later, we went back to the house and grilled out.  I bought some hot dogs a week ago, and they are on the receipt and everything... but nowhere to be found in the fridge or the freezer!!  The guys ran up to the store to get some, but I was really sad my fancy hot dogs are MIA.  Maybe they didn't get bagged, but I'm hoping they'll turn up in the freezer somewhere.

I was so busy stuffing my face at dinner that I didn't get a photo...  but I've got priorities, so here's dessert!

SkinnyTaste's peach and blueberry cobbler with some homemade ice cream.
mocha cake that my friend brought...  and it was DIVINE.

We sat around and ate, played with little Bella, and talked.  After they went home (I presume to crash, we were all bone-tired!) my husband and I decided to go downtown and walk off all the food we ate that day.  We were only there an hour or so, but it was a beautiful night.


  1. OMG, kettle corn! They probably put crack in that stuff! I worked an air show one year and we had to go get change for the bigger bills all the time - we ended up trading bills with the kettle corn guys and they always gave us bags of fresh warm corn. You literally cannot stop eating that stuff!

    1. I know it! we haven't touched it since Monday night... still have 1/3 bag left I need to eat up!

  2. Mmm, I am a kettle corn fan too! Very cute dress, btw, and you can go ahead and keep eating all that stuff...maybe I won't have to do pushups this week! ;-P

    1. thanks Ely!

      you didn't have to do pushups last week either... I had to do bicycle crunches! I'm crossing my fingers I don't lose the weigh-in this week. ;)
