
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

candy & tacos

This post is about candy and tacos.  Obviously.  I'm not very original with my blog post titles.  I need to work on that!

Friday afternoon my husband and I both got off work at 3:00 PM.  He mowed the lawn really fast (we had to borrow my dad's mower because ours blew up last Thursday... smoke and everything!), showered, and then we were off to begin the first weekend of "summer"!

First stop:  42nd Street Candy Shop before they closed...  cross that off my summer bucket list!

entry to 42nd Street Candy Co.
truffle, milk chocolate filled candy, dark chocolate filled candy
mmm... dark chocolate!
good stuff!
the remains.  there were none!

Second stop:  dinner at Big Truck Tacos!  We got gorditas (buffalo and beef), flautas (chicken and beef), and a 5th Amendment Taco!

5th Amendment Taco for Friday night was chile rubbed pork with slaw tossed in Caesar sauce...  really yummy!

Third stop:  the mall.  No pics to share here (actually, I have one, but it's pretty awful so I'm leaving it out!) but we ended up getting me a new pair of heels that I can actually wear for a couple hours, a new dress from GAP (will show that later!), and a new wallet for my hubs from Fossil.  We haven't been to the mall in ages, so it was fun and kind of a flash back to when we were dating.  <3

Last stop:  groceries.  Actually, it was two stops (Sunflower Markets first and then Crest).  We were in and out pretty fast.  Meat was on sale, so we bought up quite a bit of that. 

you can't see all the gorgeous produce here, but there was tons of it!

So that was our Friday night!  We had a lot of fun and it was a great start to the summer...  crossed one thing off my bucket list!

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