
Thursday, January 3, 2013

a new year, a fresh start

EEK!  Finally!  Both of my laptops that I use would not load Blogger for anything in the world, so I have not been able to get in here and blog at all the past few months...  I thought about just giving it up, but Uz the Husband has been asking why I haven't been blogging lately.  To tell you the truth, it's been busy and I guess I'm (more than) a little thankful I haven't been able to get in here to blog.  But the holidays are over and it's back to real life.

So what's been going on?  I had my foot surgery (and a few minor complications), went to New Mexico for Thanksgiving, worked from home, went back to work (sad!), decided to go back to school and completely change careers (computer programming just ain't doing a thang for me), and celebrated the holidays with a case of pneumonia.

It's been pretty busy in our casa, as you can tell.

So, yes, I'm going back to school.  Computer programming just isn't fulfilling to me.  In fact, it's draining... physically, mentally, and emotionally.  I can't just sign away the rest of my life when I have a chance to change and do something with purpose.  So, back to school I go!  Hopefully in six years, I will have a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food Management, completed an internship and taken the test to receive my R.D. (registered dietician), and completed a Master's in either Nutrition and Food Management or Wellness Management.  WHEW!  That's a lot!  It seems like forever, but surely the time will fly because I'll be having fun.  Except finals week.  That won't be fun.

I start back to school in January.  For the next 18 months, I'll be taking classes online and at the local community college part-time.  During this time we will hopefully pay off all (or most) of our student loans.  After 18 months, I'll need to go back to school full-time and either scale back at my current job or find a part-time job at that point.  I'm just trusting that it will all work out when the time comes.

So I'm back.  I'm sure I'll still be blogging about food and recipes, but maybe a little bit more too.

I'll end with a few pictures of our escapades recently.

old town Albuquerque (and my orthopedic boot!)
my handsome husband, eating at Sandia Peak in NM.
homemade apple pie!

my little sick buddy!

our gorgeous hotel room in Albuquerque, NM
whole wheat snickerdoodles! (from SkinnyTaste)
Baxter learned to play fetch

foot surgery

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