
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

hello there!

I disappeared, but now returning...  hopefully "for good".  Or at least a while.

I had my foot surgery with a few complications, but I am well on the mend at this point (a month later).  I still am not cooking or cleaning or doing much of anything.  My husband is trying to take care of all that, poor guy.  We plan to go to his family's for Thanksgiving.  I still can't stand by myself without crutches or my orthopedic boot, so staying in hotels for a week will definitely be a challenge.  I did book handicap friendly hotel rooms, so maybe that will do the trick.  I've worked from home since the surgery.  Once I'm off crutches and walking, I will be heading back to work as well.  But until then, I'm enjoying taking it easy at home and letting someone else do all the cooking and cleaning!

Like I said, Uz has been doing the cooking and cleaning and everything else.  He has been cooking some good things from his Mens' Health magazines, and we've also received meals from friends and family.  I hope to have some new recipes up for you all soon!

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