
Thursday, July 26, 2012

weekend in Tulsa: outfits and food

Uz and I snuck off for a few days last weekend to hang out in Tulsa.  We ate a lot of good food, toured some cool museums, and slept.  It was great to get away, especially after a stressful week of traveling 17 hours to Tennessee, a funeral, visiting my grandma, and traveling another 17 hours back.  Oh!  And the A/C in the car broke on the way back... so we were dying.

Here's a few pictures to tell a little bit about what we did.  Bear with me!

Friday night we arrived in Tulsa, starving.  We drove around for a while and decided on Te Kei's, a Chinese Asian fusion restaurant.  It was amazing!  I'm so glad we ended up there.  Normally I plan ahead on where I want to eat when I go out of town, but with everything going on I didn't get a chance.  We had to wing it, and it turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself...  thanks to Urbanspoon!  After dinner, we were so stuffed we had to go walk some of it off at the Riverwalk in Tulsa.  I have to say, their Riverwalk ain't got nothin' on what we have in OKC!

appetizer:  Korean Tacos
my dinner:  roast duck with sesame ginger noodles and green beans

Uz's dinner:  Mongolian beef with fried rice
Saturday, we went to the Jenks Aquarium.  We spent a few hours there, petting sting rays and starfish and hanging out in the shark tunnel.  For lunch, we ate at an AUTHENTIC (Uz's exact words were, "I feel like I'm back in Mexico!", to which I reply, "Ole!") Mexican restaurant, Mariscos Costa Azul.  I got the shrimp torta and Uz got a very spicy grilled fish plate with rice and beans.  It was really great food.  We drove around for a while, took some naps, walked around Utica Square, and then had dinner at a little burger place called Fat Guys' Burgers.  We loved it.  I got a kids' burger, and for toppings I asked for jalapenos, onions, cheese, and mushrooms.  Uz got a peanut butter bacon burger (WHAT?!) Thai-style, with pineapple, cilantro, and jalapenos.  We shared some cajun fries and had strawberry ketchup and caramalized onion aioli with it.  Ten thumbs way up for this place.



Sunday, we attended church and then had lunch at Oliveto's.  We split the bruschetta sundae (lovely!) and the pesto pasta.  I love Oliveto's and was excited to visit while we were in town.  We spent a few hours at a Jewish Art and History museum before we headed home.

Can I just say, it was fun to go out of town but it's even better to finally be home!

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