
Sunday, July 8, 2012

recipe: Burgers and Grilled Ratatouille Pasta

Sometimes I'll ask my husband what he'd like me to put on the meal plan for the coming week.  99.99% of the time, he says either "enchiladas" or "steak".  So, when I asked him recently, I was expecting one of those two options.  I had prepared myself.  I was ready.

And you know what he said?  "Burgers".


Well, okay then.  So we had burgers!

For the burgers, I picked up some gourmet Fiesta burger patties from Sunflower Market.  While Uz grilled up the meat, I sauteed some onions, jalapenos, and purple bell peppers in olive oil for a burger topping.  We served them with whole wheat buns, and I think there was some mashed avocado in there, too.  My burger was HUGE, and I only ended up eating half of it.

For a side, we had Grilled Ratatouille Pasta from Everyday Food magazine.  It was WONDERFUL.  It made a big amount, so it could definitely serve as a main dish.

Grilled Ratatouille Pasta

From EveryDay Food magazine
Serves: 4 for a main dish, 8-10 for side dish

4 large tomatoes, cut into thick slices
1 small eggplant, cut lengthwise into thick slices
1 medium zucchini, cut lengthwise into thick slices
1 small red onion, halved
2 bell peppers, halved
1/4 - 1/2 c. olive oil for grilling
12 oz cavatelli pasta
2 TBS olive oil
2 TBS balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper to taste
shaved parmesan cheese

Grill all vegetables until slightly charred, brushing with olive oil as needed.  Set on a cutting board and let cool slightly.

Cook pasta as directed on the package.  Reserve 1/2 c. pasta water.

Roughly chop vegetables and add to pasta.  Add olive oil and vinegar, with salt and pepper.  Use pasta water to make a slight sauce (I only added 1/3 c.)  Top with parmesan.

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