
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

getting down to business

...with a little bit of home decorating!

A friend of mine who is really into (and good at) home design came up with some inspiration boards to help me redecorate (actually, uh, just plain decorate) our home office.  Uz and I both spend a lot of time working on our computers (and I like to read a lot), and up until now we've been doing it at the kitchen table, in the bed, or on the floor.  I'd like to get our office up and running to help streamline our schedule and messes.  It seems like the living room/bedroom/kitchen is always cluttered with office-y things, so moving into the home office would be a good move.


I think we're going to go with a combination of #1 and #3.  My husband really prefers black furniture, and since he will be spending a lot of time in there I think it's fair to go with his preference.

We have a lot of books, so at least two bookshelves are definitely a necessity.  I also need a place to set up our printing/copying station (for my piano lessons), and a desk with plenty of storage and a filing system.

I really want to have a wall (or half a wall) in corkboard.  I've seen it done and just LOVE it.  I'm constantly pinning things to the bedroom mirror and the fridge, so it would be a great place for receipts, random pictures, ideas, inspiration, etc.

The Boston skyline is also a non-negotiable.  Uz loves skylines and wants a skyline in the office.  We spent our honeymoon in Boston.  He loves the Boston skyline.  Therefore, there will be a Boston skyline in our office. 

I'd also like a nice comfy armchair to curl up and read and work in.  I sit in a desk all day long, so a lot of the time I want a big chair to work in, instead of sitting at a home office desk.

So that's it!  My first "assignment" is to decide on paint color.  I know I want teal, but I need to get some swatches and samples to figure out how dark or light it should be.  I'd love to have the office set up, at least somewhat, by the time I have my foot surgery (whoa! have I not mentioned that??) in October.  I'll be working from home via a government laptop, so I need a space to set up office.  My bed doesn't count.  Wish me luck!

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