
Monday, June 4, 2012

just lazy.

I was pretty lazy this weekend. I talked to my doctor about my fall, and he thinks it's probably a fractured tailbone. So my weekend consisted mainly of these few things:

1. Lay around.
2. Whine about how my booty hurts.
3. Sleep.
4. Take Aleve.


Not very exciting. I did make it grocery shopping though, and our approximate bill is $75 for everything. I had a short list, since we're trying to eat stuff that's already in the house. Mostly we got fresh produce.

At Sunflower Market, I purchased:
egg whites
Greek yogurt
olive oil
red onion
roma tomatoes
grape tomatoes
romaine hearts
english cucumber
bell pepper

At the local farmer's market, we bought some yummy cheese: Hot Cowboy Cheddar, Blueberry Cheddar, and Mixed Fruit Cheddar. And a couple scones (blueberry lime and orange cranberry) and a chocolate chip cookie. Next week, we're going to try to buy all our fresh groceries at the farmer's market! They have bread, produce, meat, butter, yogurt, granola, peanut butter... just about anything you could ask for! So that'll be a fun challenge. Anything I can't find there I'll grab at Crest.

We've had a lot of hail and strong winds, so sadly I've lost a couple plants in my garden that need to be replaced ASAP. I lost a zucchini plant and a green bean bush, and maybe a poblano pepper. And my "mini pumpkin" plant turned out to be another SQAUSH plant... so now I have three squash plants. I guess we'll be eating a lot of squash this summer.

My garden is starting to give off mini harvests, so I'm excited to see it really grow. We've been eating some small tomatoes here and there from my Green Zebra tomato plant and my cherry tomato plant. My peppers are getting close, and so are the squash plants. Pretty soon we'll be able to "shop" the backyard, instead of paying for produce at the store!

Anyway, so that's what's up. I also bought something for the house, so once my husband gets it hung for me I'll have to show it off. Hopefully, that will be this week. Or soon. Or at all. Hear that, honey? ;)

Happy Monday!

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