
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

lunch: 5-15-2012

At lunch today I took a quick trip to my parents' house to let the dogs out to play for a few minutes.  Usually my mom does this, but today she had a dentist appointment and then a work lunch so I was delegated to puppy patrol.

Look at these faces!  How can anyone resist?

Bella and Truffles hanging out at the back fence, waiting on something to bark at.  They are ferocious little animals, obviously.
Bella is on the left... she is my baby.  Truffles is on the right, and she is Bella's niece.  Truf belongs to my mom.  can you see the resemblance?
Truf says, "no more pictures!  PLEASE!"  And do you see that little tongue?  Adorbs!
...and Bella is definitely a camera hog. 

And for lunch...  leftover lemon garlic rosemary chicken, a few tortellinis, salad, Cara Cara orange.  This does not include the 110-cal sugar free ice cream sandwich I had at my parents'...  whoops.


  1. I love puppy bellies! The tongue is adorable too! Truffles is so big already. And Bella is adorable as always! :) I will puppy sit for you any time!
