
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

dinner, Target, veggin'... this is the life: 5-15-2012

I had big plans last night.  I was going to go home, cook veggie fajita tacos, clean the house, do the laundry, plant my seedlings, and exercise.

Want to know what I actually ended up doing?

Around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon, my body physically crashed.  I left work at my regular time and picked up Bella at my parents' house (she does doggie daycare).  At this point, I was so tired I could only think "NAPNAPNAPNAPNAPNAP".  I walked in the house, grabbed a handful of Cajun potato chips (don't judge!) and laid down.  I only intended to lay down until 5:15, but 6:00 rolls around and I'm still sleeping. 

You know you've done it, too.

At this point, Bella is starving.  She starts gently pawing my head, and then licking my ear until I wake up to feed her some dinner.  Bella has priorities, yo.  Anyway, my husband walks in the door about that time.  He looks about as beat as I feel, so we both climb back into bed for another half hour to rest.  He asked me if I wanted to cook or go out..  so we went out for dinner.

We ended up at the Stuffed Olive.  I ordered a half Mediterranean Chicken sandwich and a half spinach salad.  My husband ordered the Sicilian sandwich and a full side of balsamic pasta salad.  This stuff is to DIE FOR.  If I can ever recreate it, I will definitely share the recipe.

Feast your eyes...

Mediterranean Chicken Sandwich: roast chicken, olive salad, feta, romas, spinach, provolone, basil vinaigrette 
and Spinach Salad: feta, spiced nuts, onion, raspberry vinaigrette
Sicilian Club: ham, salami, caramelized onion, romas, provolone, toasted
and the famous Balsamic Pasta Salad: our popular house recipe topped with feta
proof that I was exhausted... see those bags under my eyes?  it's a fabulous look.  watch for it in Lucky magazine, next month!
my hubs...  isn't he just adorable?  <3
 Towards the end, we ended up trading sandwiches.  I got the last few bites of his man-wich, and he got the last few bites of mine.  Best of both worlds, yep!  Loved the man-wich.

And we had a cookie, that was supposed to be dessert but ended up as an appetizer.  A monster cookie.  Mmmm-mmmm.  No picture of that because we scarfed it down in about 0.7 seconds.  Record time.

After satisfying our munchies, we ended up at Target to grab a few things.  I had to exchange a part of my baby shower gift this weekend (got the wrong size!), and my husband needed a battery operated fan and some flip flops.

Let me tell you about this battery operated fan.  My husband, God bless his little heart, drives a car with no A/C.  We are trying to pay off some student loans, thus, a new car isn't in the cards right now.  It's already 85+ degrees (F)... and only mid-May!  So we decided to get him a little fan to stick on the dashboard of his car to help cool him down.

And if that doesn't raise our status on the "cool-meter", then I don't know what will.  When I said that we're just twenty-something newly-weds trying to figure out married life on a Dave Ramsey budget...  I meant it!

What, I didn't mention the Dave Ramsey part?  All in good time, all in good time.

After a quick trip to Target (and by quick, I mean less than two hours) we headed home and vegged out on the couch until 9:00 pm, and then I lumbered off to bed.

So tonight I'm going to make the Veggie Fajita Tacos and save what I originally planned (Skinny Alfredo and Broccoli) for next week.  We have a summer party in my kids' class at church tonight, so I have to get ready for that.  I'm bringing my hula hoop, a Bop-It toy, and cookies.  The kids will love me. 

Oh yeah, and I have a dreaded doctor's appointment this afternoon.  Dreaded.  Dread, dread, DREAD.  Why don't they offer massage chairs in the waiting room?  Or something to relax?  I can only read so many articles in a parenting magazine before my eyes start to melt and my brain explodes.  I've got a few Everyday Food magazines, a Lucky, and a Real Simple magazine to read...  what do you do while in the waiting room for a dreaded appointment?


  1. Those plates are bigger than I thought, which means the sandwiches (which look delicious) are bigger too!

    In the doc office, I usually text as many people as possible about absolutely anything and that usually helps keep me busy enough to forget where I am. :)

    1. my sandwich actually wasn't that big... maybe about the size of my hand? and I have the hands of a nine year-old. but the salad was a good size for only a half-serving. my husband lucked out on the pasta salad... he got a ton of it!

      I read through 8 magazines while I waited... an HOUR in the exam room. ugh!
